Copyright © 2020 PIANIFICA

Extension of the Beata Vergine Mendrisio Hospital


Specific field:

Michele Arnaboldi Architetti Sagl



The aim of the project was to extend the previous structure through the construction of a building able to mitigate the urbanism impact of the pre-existing one, that did not fit in within the urban context. The extension aimed therefore at completing the park of Villa Argentina, the gardens of Palazzo Turconi through a building having the same courtyard structure, similarly to the plan of Palazzo Turconi, Villa Argentina, Palazzo Canavée and, naturally, the Beata Vergine Hospital.
In this case, our intervention consisted in supervising the excavation and building activities. The company started by removing 30,000 cubic meters of material and then proceeded with the construction and the creation of the adjoining passage. The greatest difficulty encountered during the design phase was the need to structurally modify the structure of the upper floors and the garage, with spans of up to 20 m.


Construction, Extension
Hospital, Public building, Structural change